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Children’s Dentistry in Richmond

toddler building with blocksAs a family dentist, Dr Shanthini Rao (Dentist) enjoys working with children of all ages. By helping them experience dental care in a comfortable and non-threatening environment, we help instill a sense of ease and confidence when it comes to lifelong oral health. From the moment your child’s first tooth erupts to evaluating their wisdom teeth, we’re here to provide comprehensive family and children’s dentistry under one roof.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

A great first experience is crucial when it comes to avoiding dental anxiety and phobia. That’s why it’s important to monitor their oral health before issues like cavities have a chance to develop.

Your child’s first appointment is one that’s meant to instil a positive outlook on visiting the dentist. We’ll work at their pace, developing a friendly relationship that helps them feel comfortable. Usually, we’ll allow them to play with the air/water syringe or make a glove-shaped balloon for them.

If they’re willing, we may also take X-rays to evaluate their developing teeth. As we work through the exam, our team will typically talk about your child’s interests to distract them from what else is going on. Before they know it, we’ve evaluated all of their teeth!

Just like adults, we recommend that children and teens book a check and clean at least every six months to keep their smile healthy. During their exam, we’ll screen for issues like:

  • Crowding
  • Impacted teeth
  • Jaw development
  • Tooth decay
  • Oral habits (tongue thrusting, etc.)
  • Teeth grinding
  • Gum health
  • Oral hygiene issues

Oral Hygiene Education

Good oral hygiene is the foundation to a healthy smile. We’ll show your child how to properly brush and floss so that they can form good habits at a young age. We recommend avoiding fluoridated toothpaste until your child is old enough to swish their mouth well (that way they don’t accidentally swallow any). At that time, they can start using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste twice per day.

Fissure Sealants and Fluoride

Protective fissure sealants are great for reducing your child’s risk of developing tooth decay. Sealants only take a couple of minutes to place (no drilling or anaesthetic is needed). They’re applied in the deep grooves on the chewing surfaces of teeth, making them easier to clean with a toothbrush. Sealants are typically recommended on the 6 and 12-year molars, respectively.

Likewise, fluoride also helps to lower your child’s risk of developing tooth decay. We typically apply a professional fluoride treatment after each check and clean.

Functional Orthopaedics

Early intervention orthodontics and functional orthopaedics help address jaw growth issues before your child’s smile is fully developed. Concerns like a narrow arch or too short of a jaw can lead to severe crowding and tooth misalignment. By intercepting growth patterns at a young age – with orthodontic appliances or braces – we can minimise serious bite issues later on.

Children’s Mouthguards

Is your child involved with sports? Wearing a protective athletic mouthguard can lower their chances of serious injuries like broken teeth and concussions. We’re able to fit the device to their unique mouth for added protection and comfort. An impression is all that’s needed!

CDBS Accepted

Our office gladly accepts CDBS benefits for children. CDBS covers up to $1,095 in dental care services every two years on children who qualify.

Request an Appointment Today

Looking for a family or children’s dentistry Richmond provider? You’ve come to the right place! Contact us today to reserve an appointment.



Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Children’s Dentistry Near Melbourne Cricket Ground, Richmond VIC | (03) 9429 6020